UAE agrees 'energy security' deal to supply Germany with gas and diesel

Germany and the UAE have agreed to cooperate on energy, in a move that could help Germany reduce its dependence on Russian gas.

The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday, which includes plans to explore ways to increase imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the UAE.

The UAE is one of the world's largest producers of LNG, and Germany is one of the world's largest importers of gas.

The agreement is a sign of Germany's efforts to diversify its energy sources away from Russia.

Russia is currently Germany's largest supplier of gas, but the German government has been looking for ways to reduce its reliance on Russian energy since the country invaded Ukraine in February.

The agreement with the UAE is a step in that direction.

The memorandum of understanding also includes plans to cooperate on research and development in the field of renewable energy.

The two countries are both committed to reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, and they see renewable energy as a key part of the solution.

The agreement is a sign of the growing cooperation between Germany and the UAE.

The two countries have a number of shared interests, including security and economic development.

The agreement on energy is a sign of their commitment to working together to address common challenges.
2022-09-25 19:00 News