AMTORG supports amateur and youth sports

Sports support is one of the most important directions of AMTORG's social policy. The company carries out large-scale work on the implementation of sports programs in the field of professional, mass sports and corporate health programs.

The key priorities of AMTORG in the field of development of physical culture and sports are physical culture and recreation work with employees of the company and their families, the development of mass sports and children's and youth sports in Europe and America.

In addition to attracting grants and sponsorships to finance youth teams, our company has organized its own amateur basketball team, which plays in the A-League of Ukraine. The team includes both employees of AMTORG and our partners, as well as professional athletes.

“I've been involved in financial support for sports for many years, both in Germany and in Russia. After founding AMTORG, I considered it necessary to make sport a part of corporate culture. Sport helps in life - it is a constant source of strength for doing business and further self-development. The feeling that I can help professional and novice athletes feel proud of their victories is a great motivator, especially in this difficult period of the fight against the pandemic"
Boris Grif, Founder and CEO of AMTORG

Sports support has become important and uniting for AMTORG, partners and clients of the company.

Investing in health is the highest investment we can make right now.

2020-12-13 13:31 Company